Arun Bhaud

| Public Speaker 

| Author 

| IT Professional

There is just one thing in this world which no one else can discover but yourself, that's YOU!

Arun Bhaud

About Myself...

     I am an IT professional turned Author & a Public Speaker.

   When I look back in my childhood I recall that I was most feared of speaking in front of the entire classroom and it was not at all in my genes to be extrovert. Today, when I stand in front of the crowd of hundreds I wonder how I battled against all odds & stood firm as a Public Speaker.

   It was definitely lack of thoughts which was creating a confusion in my words but education gave me language to speak as well as thoughts but I am sure everyone gets the same through the education, so how am I different than rest of the world as a public speaker or as an author or as an IT professional?

     My surroundings, my experiential learning & the genes I derived from my mother & my father made me a unique person. In past I was concerned about what was not in my genes but when I understood what's there in my genes and nurtured it that gave me the right attitude & the correct path to my life.

     My analytical thinking made me an IT professional, my sensitive heart made me a poet & writer but it was the sense of spirituality which intrigued me to embark on a new journey of philanthropist and that's what eventually made me a Public Speaker!

I am happy & satisfied for the purpose I became a Public Speaker!


REBT Group Training

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) technique is an approach that helps you in identifying beliefs that are irrational and patterns of negative thoughts which may lead to emotional and behavioral issues. Once you identify these patterns you can develop strategies to replace these thoughts with rational thoughts by challenging your own irrational thoughts & beliefs

This training call help you get rid of many psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, phobia, stress, anger etc.

Technical Training & Personal Development

I also conduct industry training for technical skills for corporate such as Effective use of Microsoft outlook & Teams, ChatGPT to improve productivity etc as well as for the overall well being of the Individual through Time management, Personal Finance, Constructive working, Overcome procrastination etc. You can also suggest me the topic as per your requirement and I will prepare the development plan as per your need provided I possess the expertise in it.

Guest Lectures

I also conduct guest lecture at colleges, universities and schools on various topics be it technical or non-technical. viz. Logic Building, Industrial applications of technical languages C, Java or Python, How to prepare for corporate Interviews, How to survive in the era of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Life after COVID etc. 

Again I am open for other topics too depending on our mutual interests & my expertise around the subject.